17 August 2012

Stains Look Best on White

Fact: I am a stain magnet.

Stains have apparently found a way to show their love for me by generously positioning themselves on the most noticeable places ever. Maybe this is just me, but I've noticed that anytime I try to prevent spilling something or manage to actually get food in my mouth rather than in my lap (Let's be honest, I wear more spaghetti than I actually eat), I only seem to make the almighty stain gods angry. In turn, they hurl ugly stain splotches back at me.

Tonight, I have plans to grab some snow cones with some friends. And we all know good and well that those suckers are a mess waiting to happen. But I refuse to pass up one of these decadent treats for fear of getting smited by the stain gods and receiving the mother of all stains.
...Because that would happen to me. In public, too.

So, yeah...there is no question about it. Whatever I wear tonight will come home with a few extra colors and textures. Might as well wear my stain loud and proud. ;)

eyelet top: Aeropostale
distressed shorts: Free People
beaded belt: American Eagle
brown necklace (long): Urban Outfitters
wishbone necklace (short): Vintage, gifted

Are you in good graces with the stain gods, or are you in the same boat with me?
Hope y'all have a great day!


  1. my life too! all i ever do is spill on myself. it's not a great habit. i've learned to just giggle and shrug it off because, well, fabric is for protection right? i love your necklace!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

    1. Hahah, I hear ya, Katherine!! That's exactly what I have learned to do, too. Hahah, thanks for the laugh;)
      And thanks, girlie!

  2. I love your accessories. Very chic in a bohemian Vannessa Hudgens kind of way.

    XoXo Brenna


    1. You are so sweet, Brenna! Comparing me to Vanessa Hudgens is kinda the best compliment ever;)


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